- Professor
- College of Forestry and Natural Resources
- [email protected]
- No data to show.
Dr. Cristino L. Tiburan Jr. is a Professor at Institute of Renewable Natural Resources of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources, UP Los BaƱos. He finished his BS Forestry and MS Forestry at UPLB and eventually pursued his PhD in Global Environmental Studies in Kyoto University, Japan. His fields of expertise and interests are geared into the use of geospatial methods and analytics in natural resources management particularly focused on modeling ecosystem services, landuse and land cover change analysis, predictive modeling, landscape pattern analysis, and hazard mapping, among many others.
Re-INVEST WPS Project 2
This project is one of the components of the research program entitled "Resource Inventory, Valuation and Policy in Ecosystem Services under Threat (Re-INVEST): The Case of the West Philippine Sea" which will focus on developing physical and monetary accounts using exchange and welfare values for coastal resources and ecosystem services, and shall also demonstrate the use of physical and monetary accounts for policy-making and decision analysis.