Dr. Catherine C. de Luna is a University Researcher II at the Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños. She obtained PhD Forestry, MS Forestry and BS Agriculture degrees from the University of the Philippines in Los Banos.. Her Ph.D. dissertation generated knowledge and empirical evidences that contribute to the body of knowledge of forest landscape restoration.
Research for Development: Payment for Ecosystem Services Outcome for Sustainable Water Provision (R4D: PESO SWaP) in Barobbob Watershed, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
This action research will design a PES mechanism that is specific to the needs and context of the Barobbob watershed stakeholders to be successful and contribute to the enrichment of the PES experience in the Philippines.
Assessment of Payment for Water Ecosystem Service (P-WES) Initiatives Towards the Development of a Philippine PES Protocol
PES schemes are policy instruments designed to enhance ecosystem goods and services by linking
ecosystem users and beneficiaries to environmental service providers through payment options and
voluntary arrangements.
Valuing Bio-resources and Recreational Services for Access and Benefit Sharing an Payment for Ecosystem Services: The Case of Bataan National Park
Assess the economic benefits of bio-resources, recreational ecosystem services, and passive use values in Bataan National Park to develop policy options for access and benefit-sharing (ABS) and payment for ecosystem services (PES) mechanisms.