UPLB-INREM showcases ongoing studies towards ridge-to-reef resilience during the 2nd EEG National Conference
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Parallel session organizers, presenters, and participants pose for a group photo towards the end of the session.

Featuring research findings on natural capital accounting, payment for ecosystem services, and solution scanning, the UPLB-INREM co-organized a parallel session titled, “Advancing Ridge-to-Reef Resilience through Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management” during the 2nd National Conference of the Economy and Environment Group Philippines (EEG) held on 22-24 March 2023. This year’s conference, which was conducted virtually, had the theme “Economy and Environment Research: Towards Resiliency and Recovery.”

Gathering an eclectic mix of more than 100 participants, the parallel session highlighted significant findings from UPLB-INREM’s ongoing research projects that adopt integrated natural resources and environment management.

Dannica Rose G. Aquino, University Researcher 1 under the “Natural Capital Accounting of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the West Philippine Sea” project, discussed the challenges and ways forward in applying natural capital accounting during her presentation titled, “Issues and Prospects on Natural Capital Accounting for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Philippines.”

In her presentation titled, “Retrospect and Prospects of PES in the Philippines: An Analysis of its Two Decades of Implementation,” Sheerah Louise C. Tasico identified the stumbling blocks in the implementation of payment for ecosystem services and proposed a holistic approach in designing PES schemes to ensure their sustainability. Tasico is a Science Research Specialist under the project titled, “Assessment of Payment for Water Ecosystem Service (P-WES) Initiatives towards the Development of a Philippine PES Protocol.”

Laizha Lynn C. Lomente, University Research Associate II under the “Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Future under Climate and Ecosystems Change” or ITMoB project conducted a meta-analysis of 15 local ecosystem cases in the Philippines in her presentation titled, “Solution Scanning Approach as a Policy Supporting Tool towards Desirable Futures in the Philippine Natural Resources Sector.”

Session chair, Farah Y. Sevilla (lower right), together with the presenters, Dannica Rose G. Aquino (upper left), Sheerah Louise C. Tasico (lower left), and Laizha Lynn C. Lomente (upper right).

UPLB-INREM’s parallel session was chaired by Farah Y. Sevilla, University Researcher I under the ITMoB project. Technical backstopping was provided by Angelica T. Magpantay, while Mary Beatrice S. Evaristo and Karen M. Pajadan served as the session rapporteurs.

The three projects featured in the parallel session are being implemented by UPLB-INREM with funding support from the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) (Christian Ray C. Buendia and Farah Y. Sevilla).