4th International Conference on INREM
INREM 2023 Website Header

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The Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM) at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) is set to hold the Fourth International Conference on Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM 2023) on November 21-23, 2023.

Significant initiatives in advancing and mainstreaming integrated natural resources management have brought forth transformations in the global landscape. These initiatives include the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and UN Convention on Biodiversity.

Sustaining these transformations require proposing and implementing sustainable solutions. Making all these work necessitate interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches for the agriculture, aquatic, environment and natural resources sectors.

In this conference, experiences in future-proofing and sustainable development through INREM will be shared among academics, researchers, and practitioners in environment and natural resources management.

With the theme “Future-proofing Sustainable Ridge-to-Reef Transformations through INREM,” the conference will gather academics, researchers, and practitioners from across the globe in plenary talks, workshops, parallel sessions, and poster presentations who will share their knowledge and experiences on mainstreaming INREM in local governance and sustainable development.


The objectives of the 4th International Conference on INREM are the following:

  • Facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences on resilience-building, sustainable development, and integrated management of agriculture, environment, aquatic, and natural resources in the Asia Pacific Region;
  • Synthesize knowledge on integrated natural resources and environment management (INREM) of lake and river basins, landscapes and seascapes, small islands, and rural-urban areas and their interrelationships;
  • Institute a network of professionals and practitioners/communities of practice among INREM stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific Region.

INREM 2023 is organized by the:

  1. UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management
  2. University of the Philippines Los Baños
  3. UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources
  4. UP Resilience Institute

In partnership with:

  1. DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
  2. Forest Foundation Philippines
  3. The German Agency for International Cooperation or GIZ is a partner for the South-South Exchange on Climate Information Services in Agriculture and Energy Session

Together with:

  1. Oceana Philippines
  2. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
  3. UP Office of International Linkages
  4. Tan Yan Kee Foundation

Also brought to you by:

  1. Alsons Power Corporation
  2. San Roque Power Corporation
  3. CFNR Alumni Association
  4. DMCI
  5. Marubeni
  6. Nickel Asia Corporation

With Assistance from:

  1. Klima 1.5 Corp
  2. Manila Water
  3. Energy Development Corporation

You may download the INREM 2023 Conference Report here. 

Contact Details:

(049) 536 5314

Link of the PDF File:

4th International Conference on INREM
INREM 2023 Website Header

The Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM) at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) is set to hold the Fourth International Conference on Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM 2023) on November 21-23, 2023.

Significant initiatives in advancing and mainstreaming integrated natural resources management have brought forth transformations in the global landscape. These initiatives include the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and UN Convention on Biodiversity.

Sustaining these transformations require proposing and implementing sustainable solutions. Making all these work necessitate interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches for the agriculture, aquatic, environment and natural resources sectors.

In this conference, experiences in future-proofing and sustainable development through INREM will be shared among academics, researchers, and practitioners in environment and natural resources management.

With the theme “Future-proofing Sustainable Ridge-to-Reef Transformations through INREM,” the conference will gather academics, researchers, and practitioners from across the globe in plenary talks, workshops, parallel sessions, and poster presentations who will share their knowledge and experiences on mainstreaming INREM in local governance and sustainable development.


The objectives of the 4th International Conference on INREM are the following:

  • Facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences on resilience-building, sustainable development, and integrated management of agriculture, environment, aquatic, and natural resources in the Asia Pacific Region;
  • Synthesize knowledge on integrated natural resources and environment management (INREM) of lake and river basins, landscapes and seascapes, small islands, and rural-urban areas and their interrelationships;
  • Institute a network of professionals and practitioners/communities of practice among INREM stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific Region.

INREM 2023 is organized by the:

  1. UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management
  2. University of the Philippines Los Baños
  3. UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources
  4. UP Resilience Institute

In partnership with:

  1. DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
  2. Forest Foundation Philippines
  3. The German Agency for International Cooperation or GIZ is a partner for the South-South Exchange on Climate Information Services in Agriculture and Energy Session

Together with:

  1. Oceana Philippines
  2. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
  3. UP Office of International Linkages
  4. Tan Yan Kee Foundation

Also brought to you by:

  1. Alsons Power Corporation
  2. San Roque Power Corporation
  3. CFNR Alumni Association
  4. DMCI
  5. Marubeni
  6. Nickel Asia Corporation

With Assistance from:

  1. Klima 1.5 Corp
  2. Manila Water
  3. Energy Development Corporation

You may download the INREM 2023 Conference Report here. 

Organized by:

Contact Details:

(049) 536 5314

Link of the PDF File:


Keynote Address
Dr. Alfredo Mahar Francisco A. Lagmay
Natural Resources and Environment Management as the Backbone of Resilience
Dr. Laura T. David
Seascapes Focusing on Oil Spill Disasters
Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Context of Small Islands
Ms. Katrina Kendall
Rural-Urban Linkages: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Role of Nature-based Solutions in Supporting Sustainable Ridge-to-Reef Transformations
Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz
Promoting the Sustainability of River Basins through Integration of Local, Provincial and Regional Development Plans
Dr. Canesio D. Predo
Developing natural capital accounts for coastal and marine ecosystems in the West Philippine Sea
Dr. Asa Jose U. Sajise
Developing a Payment for Ecosystem Services Mechanism for Sustainable Water Provision: The Case of Barobbob Watershed, Northern Philippines
Assoc Prof. Marlo D. Mendoza
Advancing the Science of Payment for Water Ecosystem Services (P-WES) Towards the Development of a National Policy
Dr. Juan M. Pulhin
Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Future under Climate and Ecosystems Changes
Dr. Melvin Lippe
The Role of Spatial Decision-Support System in Future-Proofing Tropical Forest Landscapes
Dr. Linda Anne Stevenson
Sustaining Ridge to Reef Transformation through Capacity Development at Multiple Scales
Dr. Cora van Oosten
Transformative Education for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management

Dates to Remember:

30 September 2023 (Saturday, Philippine Standard Time)
Deadline of Submission of Abstracts. Please submit your abstracts here: bit.ly/INREM2023Abstracts
07 October 2023 (Saturday, Philippine Standard Time)
Release of results of accepted abstracts
21 - 23 November 2023 (Tuesday - Thursday, Philippine Standard Time)
4th International Conference on INREM