INREM 2023 Plenary Speakers for Day 3
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The 4th International Conference on INREM is proud to present the Plenary Speakers for Day 3!

Land System Scientist, Thnen Insitute of Forestry (Germany)

Dr. Melvin Lippe is a land system scientist and senior policy advisor working at the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Institute of Forestry in Hamburg, Germany. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Sciences, a MSc. in Agricultural Sciences, Food Security and Natural Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics, and a Bsc. in Agricultural Biology – all received from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He joined Thünen Institute in 2016 and worked for the past seven years in the project ‘Landscape Forestry in the Tropics’ as co-principal investigator and country coordinator Philippines, with a particular emphasis on drivers of deforestation, participatory mapping and using land use scenario modelling for ex-ante assessments. Since 2022 he is providing policy advice to the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on deforestation-free value chains and the recently issued regulation on deforestation-free products. Altogether, he has more than fifteen years of working experience in tropical landscapes, lowland rainforests, and the Global South using participatory approaches, Earth observation systems and various GIS-based toolboxes. Having worked with indigenous people, smallholder farmers and government agencies showed him that a single map can often tell more than thousand words. He further worked as a lecturer at the University of Hohenheim and has supervised a diverse set of under-/and post-graduate students thesis works. 

Head of APN Knowledge Management and Scientific Affairs (Japan)

Dr. Linda Anne Stevenson has over two decades of experience in the field of global change research and sustainability with the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, an intergovernmental network of 22 member countries. Her career has been marked by a commitment to positive change and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Dr. Stevenson is passionate about developing the capacity of early-career professionals, mentoring them to become the next generation of leaders in the field. She has also been involved in planning and facilitating dialogues across the science policy-practitioner interface, ensuring that research findings are translated to assist the development of actionable policies.

Director for Capacity Development and Education, CIFOR (Indonesia)

Dr. Cora van Oosten is newly appointed as Head of Capacity Development & Education at CIFOR-ICRAF. She has more than 30 years of experience in landscape approaches, landscape restoration and landscape governance in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. She has worked as project manager, advisor, and researcher, always in combination with capacity development and collaborative learning on the ground. Through practice, she has learned how to design and deliver offline, online, and blended learning trajectories that work for both informal and formal education. She believes in the power of power of edu-technology for translocal and ‘glocal’ learning for sustainable and inclusive landscapes. 

The 4th International Conference on Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management or INREM 2023 is organized by the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management or UPLB-INREM, University of the Philippines Los Baños, UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources, and UP Resilience Institute.

In partnership with DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development, and Forest Foundation Philippines. The German Agency for International Cooperation or GIZ is a partner for the South-South Exchange on Climate Information Services in Agriculture and Energy Session

Together with Oceana Philippines, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, UP Office of International Linkages, and Tan Yan Kee Foundation

Also brought to you by Alsons Power Corporation, San Roque Power Corporation, CFNR Alumni Association, DMCI, Marubeni, and Nickel Asia Corporation

With assistance from Klima 1.5 Corp, Manila Water, and Energy Development Corporation