Ms. Hannah Macuroy is a Project Technical Assistant V for the project on Natural Capital Accounting of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the West Philippine Sea. She is a graduate of BS Economics in the University of the Philippines Los Banos and has been a researcher in the private sector and academe for eight years. Before working in INREM, she was involved in a project that equipped the local government unit of San Pablo and other major actors in the management of the seven lakes with the decision support system the team developed and technical skills for better lake governance.


Re-INVEST WPS Project 2
This project is one of the components of the research program entitled "Resource Inventory, Valuation and Policy in Ecosystem Services under Threat (Re-INVEST): The Case of the West Philippine Sea" which will focus on developing physical and monetary accounts using exchange and welfare values for coastal resources and ecosystem services, and shall also demonstrate the use of physical and monetary accounts for policy-making and decision analysis.